<aside> 😶🌫️ We all know the struggle of buying exactly the right amount of food and then executive dysfunction comes along and we end up wasting food anyway! Here’s a few tips that may help.
Buy pre-prepared food. For example if you are making a stew, buying pre-chopped veg can help the task of preparing a meal seem less stressful if the steps to making the meal are shorter.
Buy frozen foods - If you know its not realistic to expect yourself to eat a whole cartons of blueberries in a week then buying frozen can make the same amount, or more, last longer.
If you know you will definitely want a take out at some point during the week, and you are trying to cut back, just get a SHOP BOUGHT - BUT DECENT - frozen version of it stored in your freezer (e.g. pizza, CURRY). It’s great trying to eat more nutritiously but if you know you reasonably can’t expect yourself to cook from scratch every single night and clean eating 24/7 is a bit overambitious, getting a frozen favourite in as an alternative to take out will probably end up saving you some money.
Check your fridge/ freezer/ cupboards before you go to the shop!! I can’t stress this enough, it really helps to see what you already have in before going shopping and not being able to remember then the next thing you know you have a million lemons in your fridge. If you don’t think you will remember what is in your fridge, make a note before you go to the shop what you already have in at home that you are likely to buy again if you don’t remind yourself not to.